Elementary particles, as with all particles, decay over time. The time lines for particle decay are very long, some even in the thousands of years. However, there are artificial ways of making a particle decay. I'll assume that the standard circuit will be composed of decayed neutrons, which have an overall charge of zero. Therefore, the neutron become the power source and current flow is a measure of the different quarks that travel along the lines.
In constructing each circuit there must be a power source from which the potential is generated and to which it eventually returns, though this rule can be bent with the inclusion of a ground exit. The ground is assumed to have a constant charge to which all current will flow. Usually there are two types of ground: chassis and "earth", meaning the total charge is funneled into either the casing of an object or directly into the earth (dirt) itself. Using the quantum model, I have fashioned another type of ground, and perhaps two. One ground is what I call "cosmic", meaning that the net charge is bled into the background "cosmic" quark field, and another is "time", meaning that over time the net charge is assumed to be zero.
I also decided that time ground cannot operate without what I call a time power, meaning that time itself is factored into the circuit as a form of power, such that the circuit itself operates on incredibly long time cycles, as we normally see with decay of particles.
There is also a cosmic power source, which draws power from the cosmic field of quarks in the universe, but it cannot operate without a cosmic ground (the net charge of the universe is also assumed to be zero).
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Monday, March 31, 2008
Rules, Part One, Section A
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Rules, Part One
As stated in the post below, current is a flow of electrons from negative to positive potential. This occurs in much the same way that water flows to fill a small basin, like a dish. Pour a small amount of water on one edge and the water will "flow" to fill the whole basin. This is generally what electricity is like. A circuit operates because the electrons flow through various elements such as resistors, switches, lights, each of which "reduces" the charge until it finally reaches the other side, where the total charge is neutral.
In circuits that I am planning, however, don't have to follow these rules. With six different "flavors" of quark, these circuits will have to neutralize up to three separate charges. I think I might have to bend the rules even more because it will be a nightmare to come up with ways to balance 2/3 and -1/3 charges in innovative circuits.
Most of all this blog is to be an artistic exploration, not a rigorous research into semi-actual quantum computer design. I think I'm allowed to play around a little...
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Next move
The logical next step for me in this project is to start deciding on ground rules. The basic underlying principles state that there are more than one fundamental particle in action, so certain rules can be bent or altered to reflect this. I hope to expand a little on these ideas in the next day and give one example per post.
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Monday, March 24, 2008
The New Frontier
The new digital frontier is racing up on the horizon every year. Electronic miniaturization has increased right along with Moore's Law, which states that the amount of transistors in CPUs will double every two years, but that pace is now starting to become increasingly difficult.
There will come a point when the space needed for each transistor will occupy the same space as a single molecule on which that circuit is printed. The problem with this is self evident. It has been predicted that at some point in the future computer chips will have to move on to a state where they are no longer printed on silicon, but are fashioned out of some other material or operate according to principles not tied to electromagnetic theory.
Some attempts have been made at making DNA computers, which use "problems" phrased using the building blocks of DNA, but they have not yet matured to the point where they can be used for more complex operations. These computers solve the problems presented to them by matching base pairs on one string of DNA. Multiple strings of DNA are posed the "problem" simultaneously, instead of linearly as in traditional computing.
Perhaps the most interesting approach is that of quantum computing, or using the intrinsic properties of quantum particles to solve problems. The primary operator in these new circuits would be quarks, the fundamental building blocks of all particles such as neutrons and protons. These quarks group up in threes to form these particles, but they don't occur in the normal negative and positive varieties like electrons and protons. Instead, they have charges such as 2/3 positive, 1/3 negative. 2/3 positive particles are called "up type" and 1/3 negatives are called "down type". They also occur in three flavors: up, top, and charmed, which are all positive, and their "down type" negative conterparts: down, bottom, and strange.
I, without understanding complex quantum mechanics, have no idea how these kinds of circuits will be built or operate, but my imagination allows for all sorts of strange combinations. I have been trained in electronic circuit theory, so I have come up with several alternative configurations for how these new circuits would work, but they would not follow all the traditional rules. In fact, new rules would have to be invented to incorporate these new types of particles which, effectively, require entirely new components.
This project is an attempt to dream up these new rules based on my understanding of traditional circuits, but which still follow some sort of logical order. For example: a circuit under normal conditions has negative and positive potential that equal a total net charge of zero. Under the rules which I have imagined for quantum circuits, there could be a charmed potential as well as a strange, top, or bottom potential to balance out the 2/3 positive charge.
The rules for these circuits and their new components can be amazingly complex, requiring very strange sub-circuits to handle some of the more odd functions required in a system where any one circuit cannot be balanced by one potential over another, such as in the example above.
I'll keep posting my ideas on this blog and eventually begin showing some of my sample circuits.
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